How Long Does It Take To Build A Website?

Several factors influence the length of time it takes to build a website. Some of these factors are design, complexity, team size and expertise, and website content.
Compared to using templates, custom designs will take relatively longer to complete.
In our experience, this aspect of website development can impact timelines significantly. We typically advise our clients to plan for this from the start of the project.
A simple informational site such as a one-page website might take a few days, while a complex e-commerce site would take months to complete.
The desired functionalities on the website such as user accounts, databases, and external integrations will typically take longer to accomplish.
This can be a double-edged sword sometimes. The larger the stakeholder size on the client’s side, the longer the project typically takes, with some exceptions. A very experienced project manager on the client side helps to mitigate against this risk.
The more familiar the development team is with the type of website being built, the faster the development process takes.
Employee Turnover
Most of our clients are in the non-profit sector where employee turnover is common. This can impact timelines as communication lags occur, and the time it takes to onboard a new employee to manage the project also increases the project timelines.
Typically, website development projects will take between 6 months to 1.5 years, and sometimes longer based on all of the above.
If you have a project in mind, we can work with you to help you determine what factors might affect your development time, and help you develop a road map for project execution.