The Secret To Going Viral Online

Ice bucket being dumped on David Billson's head

In today’s social media landscape, going viral can seem like the ultimate achievement. A single post blowing up with shares, likes, and comments—it’s the dream, right? You may find yourself Googling how to go viral online to capture some of that hype. Here's the secret to making something go viral...

The secret is, that you can't. Virality is like catching lightning in a bottle—rare, unpredictable, and often a stroke of luck. At rTraction, we see many brands chase this elusive goal, putting all their energy into creating the next big thing. But here's the hard truth: chasing virality often leads to missed opportunities to connect with your audience in a meaningful way. Instead of focusing on what might go viral, we believe the real magic happens when you create content that speaks to your community, their needs, and their passions.

When you prioritize your audience and craft content with them in mind, you’re not just aiming for fleeting fame—you’re building lasting relationships. And who knows? That authentic connection might just be what makes your content truly shareable.

Focus on Your Audience, Not Virality

The first thing to understand is that trying to force virality is a losing game. Instead, craft content that speaks to your audience’s needs, interests, and emotions. When your audience connects with your content, they’re more likely to share it—and that’s where true success lies. Check out some of our past blogs on how to create meaningful content for your audience: 

Think Outside the Box

While staying true to your brand is important, you shouldn’t be afraid to push boundaries and try new things. Often, viral content comes from taking creative risks—whether it’s using humor in a fresh way, tapping into an unexpected trend, or sparking conversation around a unique topic. For example, Wendy’s witty social media responses and Nike’s bold “Dream Crazy” campaign both stood out because they broke the traditional mold.

Sometimes, the most unconventional ideas are what grabs attention. So, don’t shy away from thinking creatively and challenging norms. Just remember, bold moves come with both rewards and risks, so be prepared for both positive and negative reactions.

The Double-Edged Sword of Virality

Going viral can be both a blessing and a curse. While it can massively increase your reach, it also means exposing your content to a broader audience—many of whom may not understand your brand or message. This can lead to misinterpretations, negative feedback, and even trolling. It’s crucial to be prepared for these consequences and handle them carefully.

Learn from Examples

Take a look at some examples of content that went viral for different reasons:

  • The Ice Bucket Challenge: This campaign went viral due to its simplicity, a clear call to action, and the fact that it resonated with people’s desire to do good. However, it also faced criticism from those who felt the message behind the challenge was lost in the hype. 
  • Dollar Shave Club: Their launch video went viral because it was funny, irreverent, and spoke directly to the frustrations of their target audience. However, the sudden influx of customers meant the company had to quickly scale up to meet demand.
  • United Airlines PR Crisis: Virality isn’t always positive. A video of a passenger being forcibly removed from a flight went viral, causing significant damage to the brand’s reputation. This example highlights how virality can quickly turn into a PR nightmare.

Focus on What Matters

The takeaway? Don’t chase virality. Focus on understanding your audience, creating valuable and engaging content, and thinking creatively. And remember, with greater reach comes greater responsibility—so be prepared to handle both the ups and downs of going viral.

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