WFH Hacks to Rock in 2022

egg timer at 25 minutes left

Looking for ways to hack working from home? Here are some things to try to improve your work from home experience. You can also check out our working from home effectively blog here.

Try the Pomodoro Method 

"A team member’s kitchen timer set to 22 minutes."

The Pomodoro Method is a widely popular time management method that was originally developed in the 1980s.

The initial method:

  1. Decide on the task to be done.

  2. Set the pomodoro timer (typically for 25 minutes).[1]

  3. Work on the task.

  4. End work when the timer rings and take a short break (typically 5–10 minutes).[5]

  5. If you have fewer than three pomodoros, go back to Step 2 and repeat until you go through all three pomodoros.

  6. After three pomodoros are done, take the fourth pomodoro and then take a long break (traditionally 20 to 30 minutes). Once the long break is finished, return to step 2.


The timer can be a setting on your phone, or an egg timer if you have one. This technique prioritizes short bursts of work while allowing the brain to rest and recover in order to remain focused. This technique works well if you are the type of individual who can remember to set a timer during your work.

An alternative to this method is finding your flow state. It’s essentially when you are in the zone; it’s connecting what you are doing and challenging yourself with the skill of doing it. This full immersion results in uninterrupted tasks. Headspace has a great article explaining it more in depth here. You can read about our team’s tips to achieving flow in this blog.

Look for Some Deskpiration

Lately we are absolutely digging Workspaces after a recommendation from our team. This mailing list gives you an inside look at the workspaces of creative individuals to give you the ultimate deskspiration. You can also find them here on Twitter. 

"A team member’s pets helping enhance the work from home experience."

  • Designate a proper workspace.

    • While it might be tempting to set up shop at your kitchen table, be sure to designate a proper workspace. If you have no other option, that is okay! Just make sure to make that table feel like a designated space by adding workspace essentials, and by setting boundaries for the hours it needs to be a workspace.

  • Cultivate a calming workspace.

    • This includes things like your favourite playlist, candles or an essential oil diffuser.  

    • Limit distractions, and keep things organized based on a system that works for you.

  • Add some greenery to your space with plants.

    • According to The Conversation, A U.K. study found that “bringing plants into workplace not only increased productivity by 15%, but also increased concentration and workspace satisfaction” (Sanderson, 2017).

    • Access to green space improves overall health and reduces stress; even with just a view of nature, or plants, one can experience psychological benefits. Interacting with nature can also increase self-esteem and mood. You can read about this, and other benefits (like increased creativity, increased productivity, increased attention span, to name a few) in this article here.

  • Try a standing desk.

    • If sitting for hours on end has you feeling like a pretzel, try a standing desk like this one from Flexispot. Make sure you are also taking frequent breaks for stretching to avoid excessive strain. If you need a gentle reminder, consider adding time in your calendar to get you up and moving — you’ll be surprised by how much you really need it!

Make Time for Mindfulness

Speaking of stretching routines, be sure to make time for mindfulness in your day. We’ve made it a priority for our team to meet weekly to do a wellness activity together, which can involve activities like stretching, yoga, meditation, or brain exercises. This allows us as a team to build habits related to wellness, and stay connected.

"A MacBook that is updating. Great timing for some off-screen time."


  • Prioritize off-screen time. 

    • Too much screen time is known to have negative health effects on the body. By prioritizing, or incorporating more off-screen time in your work environment/day, you will be on your way to improving your overall physical and mental health. Think of ways you can switch up your work process to include less screen time, or prioritize staying away from screens on your break.

  • Pause your notifications.

    • There is a great tip from The Basecamp Guide to Internal Communication, “Never expect or require someone to get back to you immediately unless it’s a true emergency. The expectation of immediate response is toxic.” - The Basecamp Guide to Internal Communication

    • It is important to communicate properly as a team, but that doesn’t mean you can’t pause notifications from time to time. There are ways to use applications to schedule notifications for a later time, or to ignore notifications based on priority. For example, on iOS 15/Android devices, you can set up Focus mode which can prioritize the most important notifications/people in order to lessen distractions, and also allows the user to still be prepared for emergencies by letting designated contacts/notifications through.

We would love to hear about your work from home hacks, or if any of these tips have worked for you.

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