Camino Wellbeing + Mental Health

Launch Site →
Person looking up Camino website on laptop

In January 2023, the boards of Carizon Family and Community Services, KW Counselling Services, and Monica Place made the decision to combine their agencies into a single organization. The unification of these agencies was scheduled to be completed by April 1, 2023, which would require the creation of a new brand identity, including a new name, logo and brand colours that accurately represented and combined all three agencies.



Combining three distinct brands and organizations is no easy task. Now known as Camino, the soon-to-be-new agency needed an identity and name that not only represented this new and exciting venture, but also the community they serve. With the main mission of helping individuals reach their full potential in achieving wellbeing and addressing mental health needs, they needed a name that would not cause confusion, was stigma free, and would be welcoming to all.

How We Helped

Keeping in mind the organizations’ histories, and their vision for the future, the rTraction team brainstormed and pitched new possible names, providing logo examples and branding materials to then receive feedback from board members.


After providing several options, board members decided on ‘Camino Wellbeing + Mental Health’ as the official name for the new agency. As part of the final brand package, we delivered brand fonts, several stationery templates, including letterhead examples, business cards, powerpoint templates, as well as logo variations. 

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